“The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.” ( ► Revelation 22:17)
Commanding Signs and Wonders (Part 4)
Congratulations and welcome to the last few days of June 2021. Three weeks ago, we began a series titled Commanding Signs and Wonders. In the course of the series, we have explored the book of acts and so far, we have established that signs and wonders are a miraculous and unique series of events, performed by God through the apostles and a select few others, for a unique purpose.
As we conclude on the series this week, I will like to begin by asking this question: How many times does the Bible use the words “great joy?”. Without waiting for you to go do your research, I will straight up give you the answer – less than a dozen times in the entire Bible. Interestingly, every single time these two words appear in the Bible, whether in Greek or Hebrew, they are talking about truly memorable events and the emotions of VERY happy people. Furthermore, they involved events that were basically spiritual in nature.
In the Old Testament, the people had GREAT JOY at the coronation of Solomon, and when sacrifices were offered for the building of the temple, and at the completion of the wall around Jerusalem. In the New Testament there was GREAT JOY at the birth, and then at the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Twice we read of GREAT JOY as sinful societies received the gospel and once Paul spoke of his GREAT JOY in the love of Philemon.
In Acts 8, the Bible has a mention of a man named Simon Magus, a magician and sorcerer. He was a Samaritan Rasputin who practiced a polluted, hybridized, satanically-inspired religion and everybody in the city respected but feared him; mostly because for a very long time, this Simon had bewitched them with his sorceries. That narrative however changed when Phillip arrived at Samaria to preach the Kingdom of God in the Name of Jesus Christ.
The Bible records that there was much rejoicing in Samaria and the reason for the GREAT JOY was that Jesus was being proclaimed and significant changes were taking place. Philip preached Christ to Samaria. Men and women, including Simon, believed and were baptized. GREAT JOY came to the city and although there was a church being gathered there, it wasn’t the presence of a church that made the difference, NO. . . the difference was the presence of the power of Christ. Revival time is a time of personal spiritual reawakening and anyone spiritually asleep in a revival stands the risk of missing out on the blessedness of a revival so as I sign off on this series, my prayer for you is that you will make the most of this season at the place of prayer, intercession, and soul winning. Today, no matter who you are, what you have, or where you came from, the same joy can come into your city and into your life. That is what revival is all about.
God BLESS You!
Triumphant Obamoh
Commanding Signs and Wonders (Part 3)
“Thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.” ( ►Isaiah 57:15)
Congratulations and welcome to the fourth week of June 2021. Two weeks ago, we began a series titled: Commanding the Supernatural and so far in the series, we have established that true revival is a Biblical concept. Continuing with the series, I will like to affirm that we all are in desperate need of revival. Our marriages, our families, our churches, our nation (regardless of what nation we hail from), in every arena of life and society and religion; we need the omnipotent, renewing visitation of the Holy Spirit.
As a consequence of living in a fallen world, chances are that as you read this epistle today, having endured so much persecution and hardship which Satan had intended to use to limit your influence, you have reached a breaking point in life. If this describes you or someone you know, this week’s epistle is for you.
Without any fear of contradiction, I want you to know that regardless of what life coaches, motivational speakers and self-help gurus teach, the Bible is full of ordinary heroes who endured horrific hardships, but in the end, they survived their way into revival. For instance, in Mark 5:25-34, the woman with the issue of blood had to crawl her way to revival. In Genesis 7:11-13 and Genesis 8:14-20, Noah spent over a year on a stinky ark surviving a worldwide flood. Jonah survived a mess of his own making (Jonah 1:1-17). David spent eight long years surviving the murderous hatred of king Saul. Paul was shipwrecked, stoned (literally to death), beaten, imprisoned, and survived vicious attack after vicious attack. The list is almost endless, but they all had one thing in common; they endured without quitting or giving up. Once you quit, the possibility for revival goes to zero. That’s what the Bible means when it says, “. . . and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13-14)”.
Sometimes just standing takes more courage than moving forward. Refusing to give up in the face of crushing defeat takes more courage than winning with ease but how would Paul have known that revival was about to break out on the island of Malta while he was hanging onto broken pieces of a ship (Acts 27:44). Paul was persecuted for the Gospel’s sake, not because he had done wrong. He was bound by chains, but God’s Word was not bound. He just held on until the Storm was over and faith(ed) his way into an unexpected revival.
Today, right now, God has remembered you and if you will not give up, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Right now, if you truly desire revival, I present to you the only qualification to being revived, and it’s right there in Isaiah 57:15 – a lowly and contrite in heart: it is the key to Commanding Signs and Wonders.
Welcome to your Season of Signs and Wonders
Triumphant Obamoh
Resident/State Pastor
Commanding Signs and Wonders (Part 2)
“Thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.” ( ►Isaiah 57:15)
Last week we began a series titled “Commanding the Supernatural and in Part 1 of the series, using the story of the lame man in Acts 3, we established that signs and wonders open doors for revivals.
As we continue with the series, I will like to begin by saying that there is a widespread human tendency to want to see dramatic shreds of evidence of spiritual things before we believe. According to the book of Acts, the dramatic growth of the early Church was consistently a result of God’s word being preached and confirmed with supernatural manifestations. All these began when the church went into prayers in Acts 4:29–30. At that point in time, this body of believers was undergoing career-ending, family-shaking, life-threatening persecution and in the face of these great oppositions, they cried out to God thus: “Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your son Jesus.” They cried for boldness in their witness; they cried for God’s hand to be stretched forth in healing; and they cried for God to perform signs and wonders. These first-generation believers were not just “open” to signs and wonders. They were desperate for them and they prayed for them to come and by Acts 5:12 God obliged them and the church grew and multiplied.
The testimony of Acts 5 is not just an isolated instance. The Bible has at least 17 records of where miracles led to widespread healings and conversions in the book of Acts. For instance, in Acts 3:6, the miracle of Pentecost led to 3,000 converts, In Acts 4:4, the miracle of the lame man led to 2,000 converts. However, the Miracles in Acts 9 carry the clearest examples. In Vs 34, Peter healing prayer for Aeneas caused “all the residents of Lydda and Sharon to turn to the Lord” and in Vs. 40-42, the raising of Tabitha from the dead caused an entire city (Joppa), “to believe in the Lord”.
There is no denying the fact that the working of miracles, signs and wonders helps in bringing people to Christ and according to Mark 16:15, it is the duty of every Christian to offer prayers for the church so that those who are yet to come to the light of the glorious truth will receive Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour.
True revival is a biblical concept and God is looking for someone to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30), praying that God would stretch forth his hand to heal and do signs and wonders.
Will you be that someone, praying without ceasing for revival?
Triumphant Obamoh
Resident/State Pastor
Commanding Signs and Wonders (Part 1)
Congratulations and welcome to June 2021, the sixth month of the year. June falls as the midst of the year and the midst of the year is ordained as a revival season in God’s agenda (Hab. 3:2-6/17-19). Revivals offer platforms for signs, wonders, and diverse miracles, it signals great times of for divine visitation (Hab. 3:2), spiritual awakening (Ezk. 37:1-14); and supernatural change of stories (Zph. 3:17-20) Against the foregoing, this month, we will be exploring a series titled: Commanding Signs and Wonders.
Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving (Part 3)
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” ( ►Philippians 4:6-7)
Supernatural Turnaround greetings to you and welcome to the last few hours of May 2021. All through this month, the entire Winners World has been celebrating the faithfulness of God to us as individuals and as a commission, We explored a series titled: Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving, and all through the series, we have established that thanksgiving is the vehicle that moves men from the realm of insufficiencies to that of all-sufficiency.
As we conclude the series, I will like to begin by saying that ingratitude is an insult cast in the face of God. Thanksgiving is a divine command and we enjoy several benefits when we accept God’s invitation to be grateful. This is more so because every time we live with a grateful heart we are living in God’s will, in God’s presence and best of all, we will live above our circumstances.
Thankful people are joyful people and according to Phil. 4:6-7, the peace of God usually comes from having a thankful heart. The Bible says that “it will keep your (our) hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” This implies that people who are not thankful to God are never satisfied. Rather than being grateful for what is God’s provision for them, ungrateful people are discontent, always complaining about what they do not have. Isaiah 26:3 states it this way, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.”
The peace “which passeth all understanding” means it is a peace that surpasses all that men can conceive or imagine. The words “shall keep” is a military term, and means that the mind would be guarded as a camp or castle is. It would be preserved from the intrusion of anxious fears and alarms so beginning today, I want to encourage you to always be grateful to God for your salvation, daily provision of every need, perpetual protection, the privilege of service, family and friends; and for answered prayers.
Thankfulness strengthens faith. . . .yours and others, it encourages and motivates people. Thankfulness is contagious so as I sign off on this series, it is my prayer that beyond giving God thanks in all things, you will become a “Thank You” gift to God.
Again, welcome to your Promised Land
Triumphant Obamoh
Resident/State Pastor
Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving (Part 2)
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” ( ► I Thessalonians 5:18 )
Supernatural Turnaround greetings to you and welcome to the last full week of May 2021. Last week, we began a series titled: Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving and using the gospel accounts of the feeding of the 5000, we established that thanksgiving is the vehicle that moves men from the realm of insufficiencies to that of all-sufficiency. As we continue with the series, I will like to begin by saying that thanksgiving is not only appropriate; it is also powerful and guarantees answers to our prayers (Matt. 6:9-13/Phi. 4:6)Between Acts 24 and Acts 28, the Bible has an account of Apostle Paul – a man who had learned the meaning of true thanksgiving, even in the midst of great adversity. Separated from friends, unjustly accused, brutally treated, languishing almost forgotten in a harsh Roman prison – if ever a person had a right to complain, it was this man, But instead of complaints, his lips rang with words of praise and thanksgiving!
From one end of the Bible to the other, we are commanded to be thankful. As a matter of fact, thankfulness is the natural outflowing of a heart that is attuned to God and God expects us to stay grateful regardless of what is happening in our lives. We are to thank God for the good, for the difficult, for the unknown, for the big decision we are facing, including challenging relationships.
Without a doubt, practicing daily thankfulness may seem like another chore, but the power of gratitude far outweighs the few minutes it takes to practice it. A heart of gratitude glorifies God, deepens our faith, defies the lies of Satan, draws us to God, brings peace; and guarantees our testimonies so the next time you are discouraged, I encourage you to thank God in your prayers. I have it on good authority that as you do, your perspective will change, and you’ll begin to experience more of His peace, kindness, compassion, and His love.
Your gratitude will provoke your turn-around
Triumphant Obamoh
Resident/State Pastor
Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving (Part 1)
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” ( ► I Thessalonians 5:18 )
Supernatural Turnaround greetings to you and welcome to the third week of May 2021. 40 years ago, the Liberation mandate was birth after an 18-hour encounter and in the last 39 years, the strange acts of God in our midst has left all of us awe-struck so as our token of appreciation to God, an all-month thanksgiving mode has been activated. In the spirit of thanksgiving, this week, and for the rest of this month, we will be exploring a series titled: Engaging the Power of Thanksgiving.Thanksgiving is the vehicle that moves men from the realm of insufficiencies to that of all-sufficiency. In Matthew 10, Mark 6 and John 6, Jesus’ disciples had just returned from a mission during which they had seen blind eyes opened, the sick healed; and the oppressed liberated (Matthew 10). On realizing that they needed time to unwind, to be rebuilt and renewed, Jesus took them across the Sea of Galilee (Mark 6:30-32).
After crossing the Sea, and arriving in the town of Bethsaida, they realized that a crowd had figured out where they were headed, and had gone around the lake to meet them. Seeing the great multitude, and knowing their need, Jesus turned to Philip and instructed him to organize food for them. The crowd numbered 5000 men (aside women and children) and even if the disciples had the funds to take care of the multitude, there was no place to buy such quantity of food needed to feed these tired and hungry crowd. Philip was in a dilemma. He was frustrated, he was afraid.
However, while Philip looked at the figures, Jesus looked to the Father. Lifting up his eyes, the Bible records that He thanked God the Father for the little boy’s lunch pack he had just received and the meal multiplied enough to feed the entire crowd. When lunch was over, there were twelve basket full of leftovers.
As you read this epistle this week, there is a good chance that you are feeling frustrated about something, someone’s attitude, anything at all. Maybe the bills are piling up on your desk. Maybe the job you hold is not generating the necessary income to keep your books balanced. Maybe a relationship seems to be lacking the love you desire. Whatever it is, today I want to encourage you to emulate the example of Jesus. Take your eyes off the issues and look up to the Father on the platform of Thanksgiving and Praise.
Thanksgiving is the fuel you need to run your race in Victory and freedom so as I sign off this week, my prayer for you is that you will have faith in the Father, and in everything give thanks.
Welcome to your Season of all-sufficiency
Triumphant Obamoh
Resident/State Pastor